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Data sparseness and on-line pretest item calibration-scaling methods in CAT. Journal of Educational Measurement, 39, 207-218.
. (2002). Optimal and nonoptimal computer-based test designs for making pass-fail decisions. Applied Measurement in Education, 19, 221-239.
. (2006). A computer-assisted test design and diagnosis system for use by classroom teachers. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21, 419-429.
. (2005). Lagrangian relaxation for constrained curve-fitting with binary variables: Applications in educational testing. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 61, 1063.
. (2000). Outlier detection in high-stakes certification testing. Journal of Educational Measurement, 39, 219-233.
. (2002). Mathematical-programming approaches to test item pool design (No. RR 02-09) (pp. 93-108). Twente, The Netherlands: University of Twente, Faculty of Educational Science and Technology.
. (2002).