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. (2005).
Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: II. Participation outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 275-283. presented at the Feb.
. (2008). Replenishing a computerized adaptive test of patient-reported daily activity functioning. Quality of Life Research, 18, 461-71. presented at the May.
. (2009). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: I. Activity outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 1033-42. presented at the Aug.
. (2006). Adaptive short forms for outpatient rehabilitation outcome assessment. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 842-52. presented at the Oct.
. (2008). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: II. Participation outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 275-283. presented at the Feb.
. (2008). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: I. Activity outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 1033-42. presented at the Aug.
. (2006). Adaptive short forms for outpatient rehabilitation outcome assessment. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 842-52. presented at the Oct.
. (2008). Are we ready for computerized adaptive testing?. Psychiatric Services, 59, 369. presented at the Apr.
. (2008). Computer adaptive testing: a strategy for monitoring stroke rehabilitation across settings. Stroke Rehabilitation, 11, 33-39. presented at the Spring.
. (2004). An examination of the comparative reliability, validity, and accuracy of performance ratings made using computerized adaptive rating scales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 965-973.
. (2001). Measuring global physical health in children with cerebral palsy: Illustration of a multidimensional bi-factor model and computerized adaptive testing. Quality of Life Research, 18, 359-370. presented at the Apr.
. (2009). Measuring global physical health in children with cerebral palsy: Illustration of a multidimensional bi-factor model and computerized adaptive testing. Quality of Life Research, 18, 359-370. presented at the Apr.
. (2009). Assessing mobility in children using a computer adaptive testing version of the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86, 932-9. presented at the May.
. (2005). Simulated computerized adaptive test for patients with shoulder impairments was efficient and produced valid measures of function. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 59, 290-8.
. (2006). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: II. Participation outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 275-283. presented at the Feb.
. (2008). A computer adaptive testing approach for assessing physical functioning in children and adolescents. Developmental Medicine and Child Neuropsychology, 47, 113-120. presented at the Feb.
. (2005). Computerized adaptive testing for follow-up after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: I. Activity outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 1033-42. presented at the Aug.
. (2006). Computerized adaptive testing: a mixture item selection approach for constrained situations. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 58, 239-57. presented at the Nov.
. (2005). Computerized adaptive testing: the future is upon us. Nurs Health Care, 14, 378-85. presented at the Sep.
. (1993). . (1990).
IRT health outcomes data analysis project: an overview and summary. Quality of Life Research, 16, 121-132.
. (2007). Developing an initial physical function item bank from existing sources. Journal of Applied Measurement, 4, 124-36.
. (2003). . (1998).
Are we ready for computerized adaptive testing?. Psychiatric Services, 59, 369. presented at the Apr.
. (2008). Efficiency and sensitivity of multidimensional computerized adaptive testing of pediatric physical functioning. Disability & Rehabilitation, 30, 479-84.
. (2008). Assessing self-care and social function using a computer adaptive testing version of the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 622-629. presented at the Apr.
. (2008). Replenishing a computerized adaptive test of patient-reported daily activity functioning. Quality of Life Research, 18, 461-71. presented at the May.
. (2009). Measurement precision and efficiency of multidimensional computer adaptive testing of physical functioning using the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 1223-9. presented at the Sep.
. (2006). Assessing mobility in children using a computer adaptive testing version of the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86, 932-9. presented at the May.
. (2005). Practical methods for dealing with 'not applicable' item responses in the AMC Linear Disability Score project. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Jun 16.
. (2004). Practical methods for dealing with 'not applicable' item responses in the AMC Linear Disability Score project. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Jun 16.
. (2004). The AMC Linear Disability Score project in a population requiring residential care: psychometric properties. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Aug 3.
. (2004). The AMC Linear Disability Score project in a population requiring residential care: psychometric properties. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Aug 3.
. (2004). Contemporary measurement techniques for rehabilitation outcomes assessment. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 37, 339-345.
. (2005). Measuring physical functioning in children with spinal impairments with computerized adaptive testing. Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 28, 330-5. presented at the Apr-May.
. (2008). Computerized adaptive testing: the future is upon us. Nurs Health Care, 14, 378-85. presented at the Sep.
. (1993). Computerized adaptive testing: the future is upon us. Nurs Health Care, 14, 378-85. presented at the Sep.
. (1993). Computerized adaptive testing: a mixture item selection approach for constrained situations. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 58, 239-57. presented at the Nov.
. (2005). An examination of the comparative reliability, validity, and accuracy of performance ratings made using computerized adaptive rating scales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 965-973.
. (2001). IRT health outcomes data analysis project: an overview and summary. Quality of Life Research, 16, 121-132.
. (2007). Measuring global physical health in children with cerebral palsy: Illustration of a multidimensional bi-factor model and computerized adaptive testing. Quality of Life Research, 18, 359-370. presented at the Apr.
. (2009). Measuring global physical health in children with cerebral palsy: Illustration of a multidimensional bi-factor model and computerized adaptive testing. Quality of Life Research, 18, 359-370. presented at the Apr.
. (2009). Psychometric evaluation and calibration of health-related quality of life item banks: plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). Medical Care, 45, S22-31. presented at the May.
. (2007). Psychometric evaluation and calibration of health-related quality of life item banks: plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). Medical Care, 45, S22-31. presented at the May.
. (2007). Development of an index of physical functional health status in rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 655-65. presented at the May.
. (2002). The AMC Linear Disability Score project in a population requiring residential care: psychometric properties. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Aug 3.
. (2004). The AMC Linear Disability Score project in a population requiring residential care: psychometric properties. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Aug 3.
. (2004). Item banking to improve, shorten and computerized self-reported fatigue: an illustration of steps to create a core item bank from the FACIT-Fatigue Scale. Quality of Life Research, 12, 485-501. presented at the Aug.
. (2003). Simulated computerized adaptive tests for measuring functional status were efficient with good discriminant validity in patients with hip, knee, or foot/ankle impairments. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 58, 629-38.
. (2005). ha05629.pdf (227.89 KB)Practical methods for dealing with 'not applicable' item responses in the AMC Linear Disability Score project. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Jun 16.
. (2004). Practical methods for dealing with 'not applicable' item responses in the AMC Linear Disability Score project. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Jun 16.
. (2004). Psychometric evaluation and calibration of health-related quality of life item banks: plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). Medical Care, 45, S22-31. presented at the May.
. (2007). Psychometric evaluation and calibration of health-related quality of life item banks: plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). Medical Care, 45, S22-31. presented at the May.
. (2007). . (1990).
Practical methods for dealing with 'not applicable' item responses in the AMC Linear Disability Score project. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Jun 16.
. (2004). Practical methods for dealing with 'not applicable' item responses in the AMC Linear Disability Score project. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. presented at the Jun 16.
. (2004). Adaptive short forms for outpatient rehabilitation outcome assessment. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 842-52. presented at the Oct.
. (2008). Computerized adaptive testing: a mixture item selection approach for constrained situations. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 58, 239-57. presented at the Nov.
. (2005). Measuring global physical health in children with cerebral palsy: Illustration of a multidimensional bi-factor model and computerized adaptive testing. Quality of Life Research, 18, 359-370. presented at the Apr.
. (2009).